I'm Jamie. Pleased to meet you!
I'm an English/Maltese thirty-something-year-old man and I live in the Netherlands with my wife and three dogs.
I work as a freelance software engineer, primarily with Ruby on Rails. My career has landed me at all sorts of companies — tiny agencies, VC-funded startups, and multi-national corporations. I like to think the variety of environments and projects has helped me become quite well-rounded and versatile, and I've enjoyed the changes of pace along the way.
Professionally — as you'll see reflected here — I'm interested in reducing complexity in favour of simplicity, "good enough" software, and a focus on business value over technical supremacy. At a more practical level, I'm fond of learning new tools and experimenting with different languages to introduce myself to fresh ideas.
My intention is to use this site to become better at writing whilt sharing my thoughts on topics that interest me and hopefully providing something useful to others in the process. I've realised that writing is a valuable skill which I wish to improve.
In my free time, I like to work on DIY projects, read, and try new things.